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For Coaches & Health Practitioners

What is ERT?

Emotion Release Technique is a modality that can assess and address the nervous system and create change at the level of the subconscious. This has the ability to change thought patterns, beliefs, and powerfully heal the body and mind, trauma, and physical manifestations of stress.

ERT can be used in conjunction with your current modality, process or skillset. ERT allows you to amplify what you are already doing to get faster, improved results.

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Meet Karlie

the founder of Emotion Release Technique

Karlie McKeand is a well respected Naturopath, known for her high level of professionalism, and depth of intuitive skills.

Karlie has a vast background in the health sector, where she’s seen firsthand the issues that often get missed. Combined with her ability to recognise patterns and see various levels at play, she was able to formulate a unique process that has now become widely known and recognised as a leading modality in the field of change and transformation.

Podcast with Karlie McKeand