Emotion Release Technique

for Health Practitioners

Fast Track Your Client’s Results With A Revolutionary Technique Developed especially for Naturopaths, Nutritionists & other Health Practitioners:

ERT is often referred to as the missing link that we’re not taught during our training. It gets to the root of your client’s issues, significantly improving their results. This in turn has a positive flow on effect in your practice, with happier customers, higher retention rates, and better outcomes.

Does this sound familiar?

  • Do you have clients in need of emotional release and healing?

  • Are you left feeling frustrated when your clients get stuck in cycles of self sabotage?

  • Are these same clients struggling to achieve the results your other clients attain with ease?

  • Do you ever feel there’s something missing, wish you could dive deeper, or want to offer support beyond your current naturopathic and nutritional treatments?

  • Imagine having a new skillset in your practitioner toolkit to support your clients at a core emotional level.

  • Would you like to have a deeper connection with your clients, and help them release emotions that might be holding them back?

  • How would your practice change if you could help clients address their emotional health issues with ease and confidence?

What if you could?

  • Get to the root of your client’s concerns and fast track their results

  • Improve outcomes for those clients that seem to get stuck and self sabotage

  • Increase revenue, by adding whole new arm of service to your business

  • Have a proven method that integrates with your current modality to improve outcomes.

  • Increase your prices to reflect the higher results your clients are achieving

  • Have a process you can also use with yourself to fast track your own results on an ongoing basis

  • Have such satisfied clients that they are referring their friends and family to you

    …simply by adding a new technique to your consultations?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Emotion Release Technique™ is a holistic method of psycho-emotional therapy. Created by Naturopath Karlie McKeand. Emotion Release Technique™ empowers holistic practitioners to help clients process and release emotions, stress patterns and stress-related issues.

    Emotion Release Technique™ or ERT is a technique for Health Practitioners to

    help identify and process underlying emotions and stress patterns. Underlying

    emotions can contribute to disharmony in the body leading to physical symptoms

    or undesirable behaviours or thought patterns.

    The method is based on the findings that neuropeptides are released during times of stress, and can attach to receptors on the neurons and cells of tissues throughout the body. This mind and body connection explains why stored emotions may contribute to pain, illness and disease, and how clearing those emotional subconscious responses could provide potential benefits.

    Emotional health needs to be addressed for wellbeing and ERT is a tool to safely

    process underlying emotions in a simple and effective way. Holistic practitioners

    require a tool like ERT to integrate emotions and stress patterns for their clients

    to truly improve their health.

    Emotion Release Technique™ combines touch, muscle response and subconscious memory recall to help clients of all ages tap into and process these stored emotions. ERT can be used with all clients of all ages, for all presentations and symptoms and patterns.

  • When you learn ERT, you learn a complete framework that you can implement straight away into your consultation or as a standalone consultation. This is an incredible part of learning this technique! It’s not something you learn and have to work out how to implement it yourself.

    ERT can be used alongside your current modality to assess for any emotional or stress components to your clients’ condition or presentation.

    It also can be used to assess your client for any potential self sabotage and you are able to address it before starting their treatment protocol. By doing this, you reduce the risk of them coming up against resistance and this can improve their outcomes.

    The process combines touch, meridian and acupuncture points, muscle response, Emotional Freedom Technique and memory recall to help clients of all ages tap into and release these emotions.

    An assessment can be completed in as little as 10 minutes at the end of your standard consultation, or you may choose to provide ERT-only sessions.

    Completing the ERT training program also enables you to market yourself as Emotion Release Technique™ practitioner. You gain the skills to help clients identify and release emotional drivers that may be holding them back from achieving their health goals.

  • Having ERT apart of your skillset is profound on our client outcomes and results. ERT is the proven tool that gets your clients to the core of their issues, aligns both their nervous system and behaviours to outcomes, and prevents potential self sabotage. Without it you run the risk of your clients not getting the best results or even being able to address what they are presenting with, only just addressing the surface layer of their presentation or have clients finding it all too hard to follow your recommendations and then they get off track leading to them cancelling appointments.

    Adding ERT can improve your reputation. With so many Health Practitioners today, it’s important that you stand out of the crowd. It matters now more than ever that your skillset is at the highest of levels, and supporting your clients to attain (and exceed) the results they’re after. Health Practitioners who provide exceptional levels of results for their clients, stand out and become the ones whose reputation generates constant referrals.

    • Your client may not reach their full health potential

    • You may not be addressing the core issue or underlying driver with your client

    • They could get off track, cancel their appointments with you, resulting in that client not achieving their goals and this affects your business too

    • Clients may become challenging and demanding and you may be at a loss of how you can help them.

  • I can already use herbs and flower essences to help with stress and trauma. Why should I add ERT to my toolbox?

    Almost every single client we see will have some aspect of stress, self-sabotage or trauma evident in their case. Tools such as herbs, flower essences, nutrients and lifestyle interventions are still an important part of caring for your client.

    But there are a few reasons that using ERT alongside these remedies can be more effective than natural therapies alone:

    • It allows you to identify emotional aspects that are not obvious to you or your client

    • You can uncover how emotions are impacting on different aspects of your client’s well-being

    • Any sabotage patterns and behaviours that are holding clients back from achieving their goals can be identified and addressed

    • The effects of ERT occur almost immediately – your client leaves a session feeling lighter

    • You don’t have to worry about client compliance because the process takes place within your appointment

    Because your clients are seeing results quickly, you can build up a base of loyal clients that recommend you to all of their friends! So it can also help you to build up your reputation as a practitioner.

    I’m not a health practitioner. Can I use ERT?

    If you are not a health practitioner, this isn’t the course for you. You would benefit from this technique in how you are working, but you are probably more suited to the ERT for Coaches course.

    You will find all details on the other tab on this website.

    If you are unsure of what course is for you, send me an email and I would be happy to answer any of your questions.

    Does my client need to talk about their emotions or trauma to benefit?

    No – which is why it can be incredibly powerful.

    Even if you have excellent rapport with a client, they may not be comfortable disclosing details. Or it may be that they are completely unaware of what is lying deep down. ERT gives your clients the benefits of addressing the emotional blocks that are holding them back without them having to say a word.

    It might even be that you don’t want the details or prefer to not discuss emotions too deeply. Using ERT allows you to uncover the information you need and clear the blocks that need to be released.

    Does ERT take up a lot of time?

    Not at all. An ERT assessment can be completed in as little as 10 minutes at the end of a standard consultation.

    However, you can choose to offer ERT-only appointments for your clients. This is a great option if you’re looking to diversify your income streams.

    Can I use ERT online?

    Yes. Many practitioners are using ERT online and in online group appointments. In the ERT Certification, you will learn how you can use this technique online.

  • Emotion Release Technique™ is designed to be used with all clients, regardless of age or gender.

    Any client who is experiencing any type of stress, trauma or any chronic issue in the body needs to be assessed for the emotional driver, This is where ERT comes in. ERT can also be used to assess and address self-sabotaging behaviours and can help create behavioural change with ease helping your clients achieve their goals faster.

    Some of the conditions indicated for use of this technique include:

    • Anxiety

    • Bed wetting

    • Chronic conditions

    • Constipation

    • Digestive disorders

    • Eating disorders

    • Emotional issues

    • Fears

    • Fertility challenges

    • Food aversions

    • Headaches

    • Hormonal imbalance

    • IBS

    • Mental health issues

    • Night terrors

    • Organ dysfunction

    • Pain

    • Phobias

    • PMS

    • Self sabotaging behaviour

    • Sleep issues

    • Stress

    • Trauma and grief

    • Weight loss

  • Using ERT is the most effective way to address self-sabotaging behaviours because you are assessing the nervous system and subconscious. When we address behaviours from the subconscious, we address the core issue, the core driver of that behaviour. Addressing behaviours and self-sabotaging behaviours with a strategy, conversation and a plan alone isn’t enough. This is because the nervous system controls the response. We need to assess and address the behaviours at the level of the nervous system as it's our subconscious that takes over and drives the behaviour. It is too hard to override an unconscious response as it’s a protective mechanism, wired to keep us safe. We just need to make sure we are wired correctly and beneficially and this is where ERT comes in.

    • You are not addressing the core of what is going on with your clients

    • You will limit your results with your clients

    • Your clients may not get results or they sabotage their results, get off track and then decide to cancel appointments or stop seeing you all together.

    • You will impact your financial success in your business - you won’t get the best results or able to access all the areas of your clients presentation. This could lead to cancellations, clients getting off track, high client reschedules or clients that are really difficult and affect your confidence. You are also leaving money on the table. Your clients are needing this type of work and if you are not addressing their need, they will find someone else that can assist them.

  • If you are a Qualified Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist, Psychologist or Counsellor, this is the course for you. You are able to study ERT if you are studying one of these modalities.

  • The upcoming two-day training dates are as follows:

    • Wednesday 19th March, 2025

    • Saturday 31st May, 2025

    • Wednesday 23rd May, 2025

    • Saturday 6th September, 2025

    • Wednesday 26th November, 2025

    It is advised and encouraged to attend the next ERT training block from your enrolment.

    Attending the ERT day training, is a requirement of Certification. If you cannot attend the first live ERT training, then you can choose one of the next available dates. You will need to complete your Live training within 12 months of registration.

Now let’s look at the results for YOU on a business level

You may be starting to get an idea of how powerful (and essential) ERT is for your clients results. Even if you’re already getting good results, ERT will significantly improve and fast track things for your clients even further.

ERT will increase your business revenue and reputation.

Increased Retention and Referrals

Due to ERT’s ability to assess and address issues at the level of the nervous system, people experience increased results, in a shorter time frame. This increases your clients satisfaction, resulting in increased retention and referral rates.

Increased Rates Of Service

ERT practitioners find that by increasing their professional skillset, they’re able to increase their rates of service.

Range of Offerings. Add an Additional Arm of Service

If you want to add an additional arm of services to your current offers, then ERT sessions can be added as a stand alone service, and are internationally recognised as a sought after modality that creates results.

Improved Reputation

With so many people providing services in the Natural Health industry, it matters now more than ever that your skillset is at the highest of levels, and supporting your clients to attain (and exceed) the results they’re after. Those practitioners who provide exceptional levels of results for their clients, stand out and become the ones whose reputation generates constant referrals.

You’ll also be able to use ERT to support shifts within yourself, ongoingly. The power that this gives you at your fingertips for the rest of your life is unquantifiable

This is a process that not only can you use with your clients, you can ALSO use it with yourself to get personal results and shifts on an ongoing basis, to continually align to your own new levels both personally and in business. Think of it as a self healing/coaching tool. As a Certified ERT Practitioner, you’ll have the ability to support your own shifts, alignments and outcomes, on-goingly. This is absolutely priceless. Just imagine having this level of power at your fingertips.

Becoming an ERT Certified Practitioner certifies and equips you to integrate this methodology into all of your client work moving forward.

How does the Certification Process work...

You can do the entire Certification training, online, anywhere in the world. Keep reading to find out what you’ll learn, and the process you’ll go through

Here’s what you’ll learn during the ERT Certification Process:

  • How to interpret the physical manifestations of stress and emotions and how to process this stress from the subconscious mind and body, helping to address the root causes for your clients.  

  • How to assess the nervous system to identify if stress and emotions are driving physical symptoms, stress, mental health issues or behaviours including self sabotaging AND process simply and effectively leading to fast and obvious improvements.  

  • Different methods of assessing the nervous system for the assessment of thoughts, feelings, body functions, organ function, previous history or events in the past, trauma to name a few- and be able to process the specific stressor to create lasting results in an effective way even if the client DOESN’T talk about the emotion or stress.  

  • Learn to assess WHY your clients do the things they don’t want to do. Self- Sabotage! You can work out why your clients sabotage and help them process the patterns so they are not battling with themselves or relying on will power alone to reach their goals. This can improve your client results and retention rates as clients find it easier to keep on track and excited for change.  

  • Learn how to identify your clients self limiting beliefs and process if they are not helpful. Clients can be affected by their self beliefs and ERT helps to make a big change to these patterns. Every client needs ERT to work on their behaviours or beliefs so they can get closer to achieving their goals and wellbeing.  

  • Learn a technique to help process sensitive or traumatic events without your clients needing to go into any details about what has happened and the emotion can still be processed. This is so beneficial for the clients to just process without talking about it and for you as a practitioner- as you can really help them and you don’t need to know any details.  

  • Learn how to create ERT only appointments and open up an a whole new income stream for you. Did you know when you become trained in ERT- you can offer ERT consultations to clients and non-clients? This creates a stand alone service- a whole new income stream for you in your community as well as allowing other practitioners to refer to you for ERT.  

  • Learn how to integrate ERT into your consultations and how to market ERT.

  • Learn how to do ERT online or in groups.

  • Learn Advanced ERT techniques.

  • Learn how to do ERT to yourself.

The ERT Training is taught over two days, followed by a 3 month Certification Process

  • The entire process, from start to finish, is completed online

  • The ERT 2 day training is live- virtually or in person

  • The Certification Process can be completed in just 1 - 2 hours per week!

  • You’ll be fully supported in a private community with other practitioners throughout your journey

  • You’ll have lifetime access to the online curriculum and training resources.

  • Once you go through the Certification Process, you are not required to complete extra hours to maintain this credential.

Ready to become a Certified Practitioner, add this to your services, and open up your earning potential?

Lets get started….

Click the button to register.

I absolutely cannot wait to work with you and walk with you through this process! I’ll see you on the inside of the portal

~ Karlie McKeand

Investment Options

Full Pay


Easy Pay


x12 Monthly Payments